15/01/96 Avyakt BapDada 14/09/75
Be seated on the immortal throne and become an immortal image and experiment with the power to pack up.
Do you experience yourselves to be in the powerful stage where you are able to overcome every situation? Onlythose who have the stage of being a master almighty authority are easily able to overcome the powerful situations thatarise. Day by day, even through matter, the situations will become more and more fearsome. Until now, thesituations have only been ordinary; but matter has yet to adopt the fearsome form, through which it will suddenlycreate calamities. At present, you are able to know in advance, but what would be the fearsome form of matter? Allthe elements of nature will simultaneously and suddenly attack you. No type of physical instrument will be able tosave you. In fact, the physical things will take on the form of obstacles. In order to face the fearsome form of matter,which particular thing do you need most? Only when you stabilise yourself on the seat of the immortal throne andand in the stage of being an immortal image, together with Baba, the Great Death, will you be able to face everything. In order to witness the great destruction, you will have to become a master great death. What is the easy method tobecome a master great death? The method to become an immortal image is to be constantly seated on the immortalthrone. If there is the slightest body consciousness, then, like sudden death, you will be defeated by a sudden attack.Just as the five elements of nature adopt a fearsome form, in the same way, the five vices will also adopt theirpowerful form and will try to attack you in the final war in a very subtle way. That is, Maya and nature will maketheir final stand with full force. Just as in a physical war, the final scene may be one that brings about downfall or itcould even be one that increases your courage, so too, for weak souls, this scene would bring about their downfall,whereas for master almighty authority souls, it would be a scene that creates courage and enthusiasm.
At that time, in order to have the stage that you were just told about, which power would you need? Which power doyou need in the game of victory and defeat of just one second? At such a time, you need the power to pack up. Sowhat should happen to thoughts of body consciousness and to thoughts of the circumstances of the physical world?You also have to merge the upheaval of these thoughts. You have to merge all thoughts of the body and all physicalthings related to the body, as well as thoughts of attaining physical facilities that you might need. There should not bethe slightest expansion of any thought other than the thought of returning home. There should just be the thought thatyou are now about to return to your home. No contact or relation of the body should bring you down. Those whohave visions at this time experience, on the basis of their vision, that "I, the soul, am flying even beyond the sky". Inthe same way, gyani and yogi souls will also have the same experience. At that time, you will not receive any helpfrom trance. You need to have the foundation of knowledge and yoga. For this, practise being seated on theimmortal throne. You will then be able to experience the bodiless stage whenever you want. With the yoga of theintellect, take support of the body whenever you wish. Use the blessing of "May you be bodiless", from this time.
How would you take shrimat at such a time? Would you have a wireless set or a telephone or receive a telegram?(Wireless set an instrument to transmit messages through magnetic wires.) You need to have a wireless, but is itset? How would you set the wireless? By becoming totally viceless. To become viceless means to set the wireless.The slightest trace of vice would make the wireless set completely useless. Therefore, become your own checker in avery subtle way. Only then will you be able to be victorious and face the final attack of the five vices. Instead ofattacking you, the same nature will bring scenes of congratulations in front of you.
Bugles of victory will be heard in all directions and the seeds of the rosary of victory of BapDada and the Seed of theWorld will be revealed. The entire world will chant the slogan, "May you be immortal". Are you ready for such atime? Will time make you ready or will you invoke time? What title would you give to those who wake up on time?If you wake up on time or you think that time will make you ready, or that you will become that on time, then insteadof being part of the Brahmin clan, you will become part of the warrior clan. Therefore, do not take this support. Doyou understand?
You ask the question as to what is going to happen in the future; whether destruction will take place or not. If thosewho are to ignite the flames of destruction have this upheaval, then there will be upheaval in the plans created by thesouls who are the instruments to bring about destruction. Instrumental souls wonder whether something will happenor not, whether it will happen now or when it will happen? In the same way, souls who are to bring about destructionhave the same upheaval about whether to do something now or later, or whether to do something or not to do it at all.Just as the picture is the memorial of giving a finger of cooperation to lift the ironaged mountain, in the same way,all the souls who are instruments to bring about destruction should have the determined thought that it has to happen.Unless everyone's finger of determined thought has been given, the task of destruction will still wait. The ironagedmountain is to finish with this finger. Achcha.
To those who face the fearsome form with the stage of being a master great death; to those who make mattersubservient and are seated on the immortal throne; to the children who have a right to all attainments from the Father,BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be one who is multimilliontimes fortunate by constantly maintaining the intoxication andhappiness of your elevated fortune.
Throughout the entire world, none of the religious founders or the socalled jagadgurus have receive the alokik birthof sustenance from the Mother and Father. They cannot have the experience of the alokik Mother and Father even intheir dreams, whereas you multimilliontimes elevated souls are worthy to receive love and remembrance from theMother and Father and experience all relationships every day. The Almighty Authority Himself becomes the Serverof you children and fulfils His responsibility at every step. Therefore, constantly maintain the intoxication andhappiness of this elevated fortune.
Order: Through experiencing supersensuous happiness, become free from the pleasure of the sense organs.
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Personal Group Meeting with Avyakt BapDada:According to the drama, there will be conflict and complications, but this will also be filled with some goodness. Theworld is an ocean and the steamer of the Brahmins is moving along in this ocean; they are going across. There maybe many high waves or opposing waves in the ocean, but you definitely have to reach your destination. The waveswill show their own force, but be a detached observer, remain seated on your seat and just continue to observe thegames. If you get engrossed in other matters, you will be caught in the spinning wheel. The method according to thetime and the stage of your effort may continue to change. Therefore, continue to observe all games as a detachedobserver. Apply a fullstop and continue to move forward.
In order to remove your weaknesses, make special time to have tapasya. You have to become complete and makeothers complete. Therefore, reduce your time of sleeping, preparing food and eating and have tapasya. Make someextra time for this. Don't say that you are very busy and that you don't have any time. You will not find any time,but you have to make time. You may do service, but instead of giving one hour for that service, if you become powerful and do it in forty five minutes, you will receive the fruit of two hours. So save your time. You are not those who bring benefit to just your centre, but you are world benefactors. Have power within yourself, have love within yourself and have Godly attraction in yourself so that everyone becomes your companion. Adopt one or another method to have special tapasya. You yourselves are responsible for this.
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